Source code for shifterator.shifterator

import sys
import warnings

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

from . import helper, plotting

[docs]class Shift: """ Shift object for calculating weighted scores of two systems of types, and the shift between them Parameters ---------- type2freq_1, type2freq_2: dict Keys are types of a system and values are frequencies of those types type2score_1, type2score_2: dict or str, optional If dict, types are keys and values are scores associated with each type. If str, the name of a score lexicon included in Shifterator. If None and other type2score is None, defaults to uniform scores across types. Otherwise defaults to the other type2score dict reference_value: str or float, optional The reference score to use to partition scores into two different regimes. If 'average', uses the average score according to type2freq_1 and type2score_1. If None and a lexicon is selected for type2score, uses the respective middle point in that lexicon's scale. Otherwise if None, uses zero as the reference point handle_missing_scores: str, optional If 'error', throws an error whenever a word has a score in one score dictionary but not the other. If 'exclude', excludes any word that is missing a score in one score dictionary from all word shift calculations, regardless if it may have a score in the other dictionary. If 'adopt' and the score is missing in one dictionary, then uses the score from the other dictionary if it is available stop_lens: iterable of 2-tuples, optional Denotes intervals of scores that should be excluded from word shifts calculations. Types with scores in this range will be excluded from word shift calculations stop_words: set, optional Denotes words that should be excluded from calculation of word shifts normalization: str, optional If 'variation', normalizes shift scores so that the sum of their absolute values sums to 1. If 'trajectory', normalizes them so that the sum of shift scores is 1 or -1. The trajectory normalization cannot be applied if the total shift score is 0, so scores are left unnormalized if the total is 0 and 'trajectory' is specified """ def __init__( self, type2freq_1, type2freq_2, type2score_1=None, type2score_2=None, reference_value=None, handle_missing_scores="error", stop_lens=None, stop_words=None, normalization="variation", ): # Set type2score dictionaries if type2score_1 is not None and type2score_2 is not None: self.type2score_1, lex_ref = helper.get_score_dictionary(type2score_1) self.type2score_2, _ = helper.get_score_dictionary(type2score_2) if type2score_1 != type2score_2: self.show_score_diffs = True else: self.show_score_diffs = False elif type2score_1 is not None: self.type2score_1, lex_ref = helper.get_score_dictionary(type2score_1) self.type2score_2 = self.type2score_1 self.show_score_diffs = False elif type2score_2 is not None: self.type2score_2, lex_ref = helper.get_score_dictionary(type2score_2) self.type2score_1 = self.type2score_2 self.show_score_diffs = False else: lex_ref = None self.type2score_1 = {t: 1 for t in type2freq_1} self.type2score_2 = {t: 1 for t in type2freq_2} self.show_score_diffs = False # Preprocess words according to score rules, stop words, and stop lens self.handle_missing_scores = handle_missing_scores if stop_lens is None: self.stop_lens = [] else: self.stop_lens = stop_lens if stop_words is None: self.stop_words = set() else: self.stop_words = stop_words preprocessed = helper.preprocess_words_scores(type2freq_1, self.type2score_1, type2freq_2, self.type2score_2, self.stop_lens, self.stop_words, self.handle_missing_scores) self.type2freq_1 = preprocessed[0] self.type2freq_2 = preprocessed[1] self.type2score_1 = preprocessed[2] self.type2score_2 = preprocessed[3] self.types = preprocessed[4] self.filtered_types = preprocessed[5] self.no_score_types = preprocessed[6] self.adopted_score_types = preprocessed[7] # Set reference value if reference_value is not None: if reference_value == "average": self.reference_value = self.get_weighted_score( self.type2freq_1, self.type2score_1 ) else: self.reference_value = reference_value else: if lex_ref is not None: self.reference_value = lex_ref else: self.reference_value = 0 # Get shift scores self.normalization = normalization self.get_shift_scores(details=False)
[docs] def get_weighted_score(self, type2freq, type2score): """ Calculate an average score according to a set of frequencies and scores Parameters ---------- type2freq: dict Keys are types and values are frequencies type2score: dict Keys are types and values are scores Returns ------- s_avg: float Average weighted score of system """ # Check we have a vocabulary to work with types = set(type2freq.keys()).intersection(set(type2score.keys())) if len(types) == 0: return # Get weighted score and total frequency f_total = sum([freq for t, freq in type2freq.items() if t in types]) s_weighted = sum( [type2score[t] * freq for t, freq in type2freq.items() if t in types] ) s_avg = s_weighted / f_total return s_avg
[docs] def get_shift_scores(self, details=False): """ Calculates the type shift scores between the two systems Parameters ---------- details: boolean If true, returns each of the major components of each type's shift score, along with the overall shift scores. Otherwise, only returns the overall shift scores Returns ------- type2p_diff: dict If details is True, returns dict where keys are types and values are the difference in relatively frequency, i.e. p_i,2 - p_i,1 for type i type2s_diff: dict, If details is True, returns dict where keys are types and values are the relative differences in score, i.e. s_i,2 - s_i,1 for type i type2p_avg: dict, If details is True, returns dict where keys are types and values are the average relative frequencies, i.e. 0.5*(p_i,1+p_i,2) for type i type2s_ref_diff: dict If details is True, returns dict where keys are types and values are relative deviation from reference score, i.e. 0.5*(s_i,2+s_i,1)-s_ref for type i type2shift_score: dict Keys are types and values are shift scores. The overall shift scores are normalized according to the `normalization` parameter of the Shift object """ s_avg_ref = self.reference_value # Get total frequencies total_freq_1 = sum( [freq for t, freq in self.type2freq_1.items() if t in self.types] ) total_freq_2 = sum( [freq for t, freq in self.type2freq_2.items() if t in self.types] ) # Get relative frequency of types in both systems type2p_1 = { t: self.type2freq_1[t] / total_freq_1 if t in self.type2freq_1 else 0 for t in self.types } type2p_2 = { t: self.type2freq_2[t] / total_freq_2 if t in self.type2freq_2 else 0 for t in self.types } # Calculate shift components type2p_avg = dict() type2p_diff = dict() type2s_diff = dict() type2s_ref_diff = dict() type2shift_score = dict() for t in self.types: type2p_avg[t] = 0.5 * (type2p_1[t] + type2p_2[t]) type2p_diff[t] = type2p_2[t] - type2p_1[t] type2s_diff[t] = self.type2score_2[t] - self.type2score_1[t] type2s_ref_diff[t] = ( 0.5 * (self.type2score_2[t] + self.type2score_1[t]) - s_avg_ref ) type2shift_score[t] = ( type2p_diff[t] * type2s_ref_diff[t] + type2s_diff[t] * type2p_avg[t] ) # Normalize the total shift scores total_diff = sum(type2shift_score.values()) self.diff = total_diff if total_diff == 0: warnings.warn("Score normalization is not well-defined because the total score diff is 0. Setting norm to 1") self.norm = 1 elif self.normalization == "variation": abs_sum = sum(abs(s) for s in type2shift_score.values()) self.norm = abs_sum elif self.normalization == "trajectory" and total_diff != 0: self.norm = abs(total_diff) else: self.norm = 1 type2shift_score = { t: shift_score / self.norm for t, shift_score in type2shift_score.items() } # Set results in shift object self.type2p_diff = type2p_diff self.type2s_diff = type2s_diff self.type2p_avg = type2p_avg self.type2s_ref_diff = type2s_ref_diff self.type2shift_score = type2shift_score # Return shift scores if details: return ( type2p_diff, type2s_diff, type2p_avg, type2s_ref_diff, type2shift_score, ) else: return type2shift_score
[docs] def get_shift_component_sums(self): """ Calculates the cumulative contribution of each component of the different kinds of shift scores. Returns ------- Dictionary with six keys, one for each of the different component contributions: pos_s_pos_p, pos_s_neg_p, neg_s_pos_p, neg_s_neg_p, pos_s, neg_s. Values are the total contribution from that component across all types """ # Get shift scores if self.type2shift_score is None: shift_scores = self.get_shift_scores(details=True) else: shift_scores = [ ( t, self.type2p_diff[t], self.type2s_diff[t], self.type2p_avg[t], self.type2s_ref_diff[t], self.type2shift_score[t], ) for t in self.type2s_diff ] # Sum up components of shift score pos_s_pos_p = 0 pos_s_neg_p = 0 neg_s_pos_p = 0 neg_s_neg_p = 0 pos_s = 0 neg_s = 0 for t, p_diff, s_diff, p_avg, s_ref_diff, _ in shift_scores: # Get contribution of p_diff*s_ref_diff term if s_ref_diff > 0: if p_diff > 0: pos_s_pos_p += p_diff * s_ref_diff else: pos_s_neg_p += p_diff * s_ref_diff else: if p_diff > 0: neg_s_pos_p += p_diff * s_ref_diff else: neg_s_neg_p += p_diff * s_ref_diff # Get contribution of s_diff term if s_diff > 0: pos_s += p_avg * s_diff else: neg_s += p_avg * s_diff return { "pos_s_pos_p": pos_s_pos_p, "pos_s_neg_p": pos_s_neg_p, "neg_s_pos_p": neg_s_pos_p, "neg_s_neg_p": neg_s_neg_p, "pos_s": pos_s, "neg_s": neg_s, }
[docs] def get_shift_graph( self, ax=None, top_n=50, text_size_inset=True, cumulative_inset=True, show_plot=True, filename=None, **kwargs ): """ Plot the shift graph between two systems of types Parameters ---------- ax: matplotlib.pyplot.axes.Axes, optional Axes to draw figure onto. Will create new axes if none are given. top_n: int, optional Display the top_n types as sorted by their absolute contribution to the difference between systems cumulative_inset: bool, optional Whether to show an inset showing the cumulative contributions to the shift by ranked types text_size_inset: bool, optional Whether to show an inset showing the relative sizes of each system show_plot: bool, optional Whether to show plot when it is done being rendered filename: str, optional If not None, name of the file for saving the shift graph Returns ------- ax Matplotlib ax of shift graph. Displays shift graph if show_plot=True """ # Set plotting parameters kwargs = plotting.get_plot_params(kwargs, self.show_score_diffs, self.diff) # Get type score components type_scores = [ ( t, self.type2p_diff[t], self.type2s_diff[t], self.type2p_avg[t], self.type2s_ref_diff[t], self.type2shift_score[t], ) for t in self.type2s_diff ] # Reverse sorting to get highest scores, then reverse top n for plotting type_scores = sorted(type_scores, key=lambda x: abs(x[-1]), reverse=True)[ :top_n ] type_scores.reverse() # Get bar heights and colors bar_dims = plotting.get_bar_dims(type_scores, self.norm, kwargs) bar_colors = plotting.get_bar_colors(type_scores, kwargs) # Initialize plot if ax is None: _, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(kwargs["width"], kwargs["height"])) ax.margins(kwargs["y_margin"]) # Plot type contributions ax = plotting.plot_contributions(ax, top_n, bar_dims, bar_colors, kwargs) # Plot total sum contributions total_comp_sums = self.get_shift_component_sums() bar_order = plotting.get_bar_order(kwargs) ax, comp_bar_heights, bar_order = plotting.plot_total_contribution_sums( ax, total_comp_sums, bar_order, top_n, bar_dims, kwargs ) # Get labels for bars type_labels = [t for (t, _, _, _, _, _) in type_scores] # Add indicator if type borrowed a score m_sym = kwargs["missing_symbol"] type_labels = [ t + m_sym if t in self.adopted_score_types else t for t in type_labels ] # Get labels for total contribution bars bar_labels = [kwargs["symbols"][b] for b in bar_order] labels = type_labels + bar_labels # Set font type if kwargs["serif"]: plotting.set_serif() # Set labels if kwargs["detailed"]: ax = plotting.set_bar_labels( ax, top_n, labels, bar_dims["label_heights"], comp_bar_heights, kwargs, ) else: ax = plotting.set_bar_labels( ax, top_n, labels, bar_dims["total_heights"], comp_bar_heights, kwargs, ) # Add center dividing line ax.axvline(0, ls="-", color="black", lw=1.0, zorder=20) # Add dividing line between types and component bars ax.axhline(top_n + 1, ls="-", color="black", lw=0.7, zorder=20) if kwargs["show_total"]: ax.axhline(top_n + 2.75, ls="-", color="black", lw=0.5, zorder=20) # Set insets if cumulative_inset: plotting.get_cumulative_inset( ax.figure, self.type2shift_score, top_n, self.normalization, kwargs ) if text_size_inset: plotting.get_text_size_inset( ax.figure, self.type2freq_1, self.type2freq_2, kwargs ) # Make x-tick labels bigger, flip y-axis ticks and label every 5th one ax = plotting.set_ticks(ax, top_n, kwargs) # Set axis spines ax = plotting.set_spines(ax, kwargs) # Set axis labels and title ax.set_xlabel(kwargs["xlabel"], fontsize=kwargs["xlabel_fontsize"]) ax.set_ylabel(kwargs["ylabel"], fontsize=kwargs["ylabel_fontsize"]) if "title" not in kwargs: s_avg_1 = self.get_weighted_score(self.type2freq_1, self.type2score_1) s_avg_2 = self.get_weighted_score(self.type2freq_2, self.type2score_2) title = ( "{}: ".format(kwargs["system_names"][0]) + r"$\Phi_{avg}=$" + "{0:.2f}".format(s_avg_1) + "\n" + "{}: ".format(kwargs["system_names"][1]) + r"$\Phi_{avg}=$" + "{0:.2f}".format(s_avg_2) ) kwargs["title"] = title ax.set_title(kwargs["title"], fontsize=kwargs["title_fontsize"]) # Show and return plot if kwargs["tight"]: with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter("ignore") plt.tight_layout() if filename is not None: plt.savefig(filename, dpi=kwargs["dpi"]) if show_plot: return ax