Citing ====== Shifterator ----------- If you use :code:`shifterator`, please cite the following paper: Gallagher, Ryan. J., Morgan R. Frank, Lewis Mitchell, Aaron J. Schwartz, Andrew J. Reagan, Christopher M. Danforth, and Peter Sheridan Dodds. "Generalized Word Shift Graphs: A Method for Visualizing and Explaining Pairwise Comparisons Between Texts."" *EPJ Data Science* 10, no. 4 (2021). Sentiment Lexicons ------------------ If you use any of the lexicons included in :code:`shifterator` for sentiment or any other dictionary-based analysis, please also cite their corresponding papers. labMT ~~~~~ If you use the English labMT lexicon, cite the following paper: Dodds, Peter Sheridan, Kameron Decker Harris, Isabel M. Kloumann, Catherine A. Bliss, and Christopher M. Danforth. "Temporal patterns of happiness and information in a global social network: Hedonometrics and Twitter." *PLoS ONE* 6, no. 12 (2011). If you use any of the non-English labMT lexicons, cite the following paper: Dodds, Peter Sheridan, Eric M. Clark, Suma Desu, Morgan R. Frank, Andrew J. Reagan, Jake Ryland Williams, Lewis Mitchell et al. "Human language reveals a universal positivity bias." *Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences* 112, no. 8 (2015): 2389-2394. NRC ~~~ If you use any of the NRC emotion intensity dictionaries, cite the following paper: Word Affect Intensities. Saif M. Mohammad. In *Proceedings of the 11th Edition of the Language Resources and Evaluation Conference (LREC-2018)*, May 2018, Miyazaki, Japan. If you use any of the NRC valence, arousal, and dominance dictionaries, cite the following paper: Obtaining Reliable Human Ratings of Valence, Arousal, and Dominance for 20,000 English Words. Saif M. Mohammad. In *Proceedings of the 56th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics*, Melbourne, Australia, July 2018. SocialSent ~~~~~~~~~~ If you use any of the SocialSent lexicons (historical or subreddits), cite the following paper: William L. Hamilton, Kevin Clark, Jure Leskovec, and Dan Jurafsky. Inducing Domain-Specific Sentiment Lexicons from Unlabeled Corpora. *Proceedings of EMNLP*, 2016